Working With Addiction and Recovery

3 days and 2 nights at the college

Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th September 2024


This course is a basic introduction and is ideal if you are working or volunteering and supporting people through addiction and recovery.


This course could be FREE to you. Take a look at our fees page here


Level 1

Please note:

You must have the capacity to be able to discuss challenging topics during this course

If you work with or wish to be able to support people who are in addiction you may recognise there are many barriers to hinder us from fulfilling our potential. You may have personal and direct experience of addiction and would like to know if this is an area you could help others in. Being able to understand and support  somebody through the impact of addiction can be both equally rewarding and challenging.  You may be at the beginning of your journey and would like to know if the area of addiction is right for you. Perhaps people have told you that you would make a good drug worker and you have a natural ability to help people open up.

During this course you will cover:

  • The physical, emotional and psychological effects of addiction on an individual
  • The effects that addiction may have on family, friends and society.
  • Possible causes of addiction.
  • Some of the agencies that offer help and information.

If you are not currently supporting people through addiction and recovery, following successful completion of this course you will hopefully feel clearer about whether Addiction is a career area you would like to pursue further.

Entry Requirements

You must be working at Literacy Level 1 or above