
picture of Fircroft College building
When were you a student at Fircroft College?

I was a student at Fircroft between 1991 and 1992. 

How did Fircroft College help you to prepare for life beyond studying?  

Fircroft got me motivated to do more studying. My journey into education didn’t end with Fircroft in 1992. I have since gone on to further degrees and academic work. 

What was your experience of Fircroft College like? How did it impact you?

I had a wonderful time studying literature, history, politics, sociology and with a great set of students and tutors. The community spirit among us was positive, that’s not to say it wasn’t testing, but overall it was good. The tutors inspired and invested in us to be creative thinkers. 

Where and what are you doing now?

I’m a Professor of Media and Cultural History at Birmingham City University

What piece of advice would you give to current students?

Enjoy the time at Fircroft: come prepared, take it seriously and take inspiration from the fact of its history of success in supporting people like us.